We specialise in DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) cleaning and provide a nationwide collection and delivery service for all diesel vehicles including cars, vans, buses, trucks and heavy machinery. We offer a six month money back guarantee on our specialised DPF cleaning service. The unique Valley Filters DPF cleaning service is fast and efficient with very competitive pricing.
What is a Diesel Particulate Filter?

A Diesel Particulate Filter or DPF (FAP in France) is part of a diesel vehicle’s exhaust system. It traps or filters out “soot” particles created during the normal operation of the diesel engine. These are the particles that caused what we once knew as “black smoke” visible from the exhaust pipes of older diesel vehicles.
Why is a DPF fitted to my car?
A DPF is fitted in order to comply with emission legislation in Europe, the USA and other countries. It is necessary for all vehicle manufacturers in Europe to fit a filter device that reduces or removes the exhaust gasses and particulate matter leaving the engine.
Can I remove a DPF or not use a DPF?
Because the damage caused by a clogged DPF can result in very expensive repair bills, it may be tempting to remove the car’s diesel particulate filter (DPF) altogether. There are companies advertising that they provide DPF removal services, but as well as being bad for the environment this is also illegal in most countries and governments have moved to tighten up the regulations concerning such practices. Removing a DPF device is now illegal in Ireland and a motor car that was originally fitted with a DPF by the vehicle manufacturer will fail the NCT test if the DPF device is missing.
What is DPF Cleaning?
Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) or sometimes called FAP’s require a regular service known as de-ashing or filter cleaning. This process removes excessive waste that has accumulated in the DPF. In DPF cleaning, the material that is removed from the DPF during cleaning is considered hazardous waste, and must be properly handled and disposed of in a safe and controlled environment.

Blocked or Clogged DPF
Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) were developed to meet ongoing changes in emissions regulations which reduce pollution. These particulate filters fitted to diesel car exhaust systems are now as common as catalytic converters on petrol cars. This relatively new way to combat diesel vehicle pollution has proven to be very successful in providing major reductions in diesel exhaust emissions but they require maintenance to function properly.
The harmful exhaust soot starts building up on the walls of the filter and gradually increases back pressure in the exhaust system reducing performance and fuel efficiency. To keep the system clean a process called ‘regeneration’ takes place. This is when the exhaust temperature rises to 600 degrees centigrade, and burns off the soot.
However there are many different factors such as the type of fuel used, driving styles, age of vehicle and the type of oil used that can all prevent the regeneration process from working properly. In most cases the car will lose performance and typically a warning sign will illuminate on the dashboard to alert the driver of a problem. On some makes of car the car will switch into ‘limp mode’ which will restrict performance to prevent any other damage until the fault is rectified.

Cleaned DPF Units
DPF filter systems are very expensive to replace, and a forced regeneration in a workshop will also be time consuming and costly. A BBC Watchdog program in 2011 highlighted the DPF problem featuring many drivers with bills ranging from hundreds to thousands of pounds.
Valley Filters are renowned for their professional air filter cleaning service since 1993. We will bring your DPF back to its nearly new condition without any modifications or having to remove the honeycomb centre.