We operate a state of the art plant in Carrickmacross that can manufacture bag filters, truck air filters, off-road air filters and industrial dust collectors. We can produce small or large runs including radial seal designs.Valley Filters manufacture new replacement heavy duty air filters that include the latest in direct replacement OE specifications with proven longevity, efficiency and performance and are tested to meet industry standards. We can manufacture standard axial seal design filters, many radial seal design filters, conical filters and some compact style designs.
Many traditional air filters for trucks and heavy machinery utilize the axial seal design and are manufactured with metal end caps, reinforcing cores and outer casings made of expanded sheet metal. Rubber seals glued to the bottom and/or top end caps provide element sealing within the housing.
The newer radial seal type air filters can be recognized by molded ends and a reinforced closed end. The great benefit of this design is their lighter weight and ease of servicing. Most heavy duty radial seal elements that we manufacture are formed from high quality urethane compounds designed not to deform under extremes of temperature or excessive air intake restriction.
Custom Bag Filter Manufacturers

Dry Filtration Dust Filter Sock
Valley Filters can manufacture custom bag filters as well as standard filter bags in use in most baghouses and dust collectors throughout Ireland and the UK. We can also engineer or suggest custom materials that will improve your baghouse performance and improve the efficiency of difficult dust applications. Selecting the right replacement bag filter for your application is critical to your operation. Valley Filters can provide a careful analysis of your current operating parameters and carry out filter bag diagnostic testing to help improve your baghouse and dust collector performance and efficiency.
Envelope Bags for Tar and Cement Plants

Tar and Cement Plant Envelope Bags
Depending on whether the fuel you use is natural gas, waste oil, virgin mix or are adding 40% RAP, straight HMA or getting involved with warm mix (WMA), we manufacture the Envelope Filter Bag that will work best in your baghouse.
We can manufacture or replace filter bags to fit bag-houses from Ammann, Astec, Barber-Green, Cedar-Rapids, Dantherm Filtration, D&H, CMI-Terex, Gencor, Marini, Maxam, Parker Plant, Standard Havens and more.
Call Valley Filters now for more details or to arrange a site visit.
Multipocket Filter Bags for Cement Plants

Cement Plant Multipocket Filter Bags
Again, depending on whether it is a raw mill, kiln mill, clinker cooler or finish mill, Valley Filters can provide the best filter bag for all areas of your plant including batch plants and terminals.
We can offer specialty filter media to overcome problems such as blinding, excess moisture and stack dusting.
We can manufacture replacement filter bags to fit ABB/Flakt, Flexkleen, FLS-Fuller, Mikropul, Norblo, Redecam, Solios and other dust collectors used in the cement industry.
Valley Filters can Manufacture Filter Bags for many Popular Baghouses.
Some bag filter housing makers include:
Aerodyne, Aeropulse, Aget, Air Conveying, Air Sentry, Airtrol, Allen Sherman Hoff, Amerex, American Air Filter, American Standard, Argo Blower, Astec Industries, BACT Engineering, Bahnson Hawley, Balox, Barber-Green, Baumco, Belco, Bituma Construction, BMG, Brandt Engineering, Buell-Norblo, Buffalo Forge, Buhler-Miag, Carter-Day, CE, Cedar Rapids, Clemco Manufacturing, CMI, DCE Volkes, Donaldson/Torit, Dustex, Dusty Dustless, Dynamic Air, Eastern Control Systems, Emtrol, Environmental Elements, Esstee Mfg. Co, Evo, ExCel Air, Fabrics Filters NW, Farr, Filter Corp., Flakt, Flex-Kleen, Fulter, General Resource, GenTec, George Rolfes, GMD Engineered Systems, Green Steel, Griffin Envelope, Guzzler, Hoffman, ICM, Intensifilter, Interel-Luhr, Johnson March, Kice, Kleissler, Lamson, Lear Siegler, Mac Equipment, McCarter, Mikropul, Moldau, Murphy-Rodgers, Norblo-Envirotech, Pangbom-Carborundum, Parsons, Peabody Process System, Percy Todd Manufacturing, Perlite, Pneumafil, Premier Pneumatics, Procedair Ind., Rayjet-CEA, Rees, Research-Cottrel, Ruemelin Manufacturing, Scientific Dust Collector, Semco-Keystone Int, Seneca, Spahr, Staclean, Standard Havens, Standard Metals, Stansteel, Steelcraft, Tarmac, Tech-Air, Torit, Ultra Industries, United Air Specialist, United Conveyor, US Air, Western Pneumatics, Westinghouse, Wheelabrator-Frye, Wiedenmann, WW Sly, Young Industries, Zero, Zurn Air Industries and more.